NACUFS Awards Longtime Industry Professional

Prior to joining the staff at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the recipient spent 30 years with the University of Oklahoma.

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David Annis accepts the National Association of College & University Food Services' 2023 Minah Award. Photo Courtesy of NACUFS.

The National Association of College & University Food Services’ four-day 2023 National Conference kicked off Wednesday, July 19, in Baltimore, Md.

As part of the opening festivities, the association distributed its Theodore W. Minah Distinguished Service Award to David L. Annis, director of dining services at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

In his current role since 2019, Annis has navigated pandemic dining—a challenge that also was tackled by last year’s recipient—and helped complete a renovation of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Selleck food court. The food court gained new menu options, ranging from all-day breakfast to sushi and grain bowls. Further, a microfarm provides ingredients for a gluten-free establishment that opened in 2022.

A current NACUFS board member and past president (2007), Annis has been in the industry for 47 years; his father also was a founding member of the association. Among Annis’ prior awards are several from NACUFS as well as NAFEM’s 2007 Doctorate of Food Service Award.


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